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Getting Started with Postman Collections

Postman is a great way to document and save example requests for your API. Konfig supports generating SDKs from Postman Collections through the Postman Collection Format. In this tutorial, we will walk through the steps for you to generate a TypeScript, Java, and Python SDK from a Postman Collection.

How does it work?

Konfig infers the interface of your API from request and response examples in your Postman Collection. Konfig then intelligently creates a high-quality OAS which is then used to generate SDKs.

Postman Flow
Generating SDKs from Postman Collections with Konfig

Install CLI

To install Konfig's CLI run the following command:


npm install -g konfig-cli

System Requirement

Konfig's CLI requires Node 14+ to be setup on your machine.

Create a directory for SDKs


mkdir postman-sdks
cd postman-sdks

Prepare your Postman Collection

Every operation in your Collection should have more example responses saved before exporting for better SDKs.

Organize requests into folders

Placing requests under folders will help Konfig group operations together in the generated SDKs.

Parameterize request paths

Hard-coded values for variables such as path parameters will not be correctly inferred as variables in the generated SDKs. For example, if you have a request path /project/1234, the SDKs will not know that 1234 is a variable.

Instead of /project/1234, use /project/:projectId.

Send Request

Click Send to retrieve an example response. You can repeat these steps for different inputs to save multiple example responses. The more requests and responses saved in the Collection, the better your SDKs will be.

Send request to save example

Click "Save as example"

Save the retrieved response as an example in your collection.

Save as example

Example should be shown in the menu

You should see a list of examples saved in the left-side menu. Repeat this process for all your operations with as many examples as possible.

See request example

Add [required] to description of required parameters

For any required parameters, add [required] to the description. This will ensure that the SDKs will throw an error if the required parameter is not provided.

Add required to description

Set preview language of response body

Set the preview language of the response body to JSON or Text to ensure that the response body schema type is inferred correctly in the generated SDKs. If you want a raw string to be returned from your endpoint then thoose Text. If you want the response body to be inferred an "object" type schema, then choose JSON.

Set preview language

Export Postman Collection

Click the button on your Postman Collection and click "export":

Export Postman

Choose Collection v2.1 and click Export.

Export Postman Button

Initialize SDK directory

Move the exported Postman Collection to the SDK directory

Copy your exported Postman Collection to your SDK directory.


cp ~/Downloads/Requests.postman_collection.json ~/postman-sdks

Convert your Postman Collection to an OpenAPI Specification

Use Konfig's p2o command to convert your Postman Collection to an OpenAPI Specification .yaml file.


konfig p2o -p Requests.postman_collection.json -o api.yaml

Run konfig init

Use Konfig's init command to create your konfig.yaml file.

konfig init

Konfig will download the necessary setup files and ask a series of questions to fill in your konfig.yaml file. When asked what languages to generate, select Java, Python, and TypeScript for this tutorial.


Downloaded version 1.1.123 of
Downloading Konfig's lint rules... done
Setting up Spectral... done
Setting up VScode settings.json... done
? Select languages to generate SDKs for: Java, Python, TypeScript
? What is your domain? (ex.
? What is the SDK package name? Use hyphens to separate words (ex. acme-web) konfig
? What is your Git user ID? konfig-dev
? What is your Git repository name? postman-getting-started-sdks
? What is the relative path to your spec? (ie. "<CURRENT_DIRECTORY>/path/to/api.yaml") api.yaml

Once finished, you will see a bunch of files automatically added to your directory.

tree -a
├── .konfig
│ ├── ruleset-version
│ └── ruleset.js
├── .spectral.yaml
├── .vscode
│ ├── extensions.json
│ └── settings.json
├── Requests.postman_collection.json
├── api.yaml
└── konfig.yaml
2 directories, 8 files

The konfig.yaml file includes all the necessary configurations to generate SDKs for your Postman Collection. You can read more about the schema of konfig.yaml here.


# yaml-language-server: $schema=
outputDirectory: /tmp/konfig-sdks-out
specPath: api.yaml
version: 1.0.0
groupId: com.konfigthis
artifactId: konfig-java-sdk
clientName: Konfig
outputDirectory: java
userId: konfig-dev
repoId: postman-getting-started-sdks/tree/main/java
version: 1.0.0
packageName: konfig_client
projectName: konfig-python-sdk
outputDirectory: python
clientName: Konfig
userId: konfig-dev
repoId: postman-getting-started-sdks/tree/main/python
version: 1.0.0
npmName: konfig-typescript-sdk
outputDirectory: typescript
clientName: Konfig
userId: konfig-dev
repoId: postman-getting-started-sdks/tree/main/typescript

Create high-quality OAS

Use the fix command to create a high-quality OAS. This will override your OAS with a new version that is prepared for generating high-quality SDKs.


konfig fix

You will be asked a series of questions regarding what to name particular operations and how to group them.


┌ Improper Tag Detected ────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ │
│ Detected improperly named Tag "users > {user_id}" │
│" │
│ │
? Select existing tag: users
┌──── Summary ────┐
│ │
│ Delete User │
│ │
┌──────── Path - Method ────────┐
│ │
│ /users/{user_id} - DELETE │
│ │
? Enter operation ID: Users_delete
┌── Summary ───┐
│ │
│ Get User │
│ │
┌────── Path - Method ───────┐
│ │

Generate SDKs

Run konfig generate to generate SDKs.

konfig generate

You will see the following output when generating SDKs.


It can take a few minutes to finish generating SDKs.

Output directory set to: /tmp/konfig-sdks-out
Generating java, python, typescript SDKs... done
Downloading 3 SDKs... done
Deleting output directory... done
Creating output directory... done
Extracting SDKs... done
Deleting contents of existing directory "java"... done
Copying Java SDK to "java"... done
Deleting contents of existing directory "python"... done
Copying Python SDK to "python"... done
Deleting contents of existing directory "typescript"... done
Copying Typescript SDK to "typescript"... done
Generating top-level done
Writing top-level LICENSE... done

Once finished, you should see three SDKs added to your directory.


❯ tree -L 2
├── Requests.postman_collection.json
├── api.yaml
├── flows
│ ├── java
│ ├── python
│ └── typescript
├── java
│ ├──
│ ├── api
│ ├── build.gradle
│ ├── build.sbt
│ ├── docs
│ ├── gradle
│ ├──
│ ├── gradlew
│ ├── gradlew.bat
│ ├── pom.xml
│ ├── settings.gradle
│ └── src
├── konfig.yaml
├── python
│ ├──
│ ├── docs
│ ├── konfig_client
│ ├── poetry.lock
│ ├── pyproject.toml
│ ├── setup.cfg
│ ├──
│ └── test
└── typescript
├── api
├── api.ts
├── base.ts
├── client-custom.ts
├── client.ts
├── common.ts
├── configuration.ts
├── docs
├── index.ts
├── jest.config.ts
├── models
├── package.json
├── pagination
├── requestAfterHook.ts
├── requestBeforeHook.ts
├── tsconfig.json
├── tsconfig.test.json
└── yarn.lock
18 directories, 34 files

Example Output

You can explore the example output of this tutorial here:

Next Steps

To update your SDKs simply repeat the steps from export to generation.

Konfig's SDKs are highly customizable in case you need to add to your SDKs. Once you are finished developing your SDKs, you can also test, publish, and automate your entire SDK workflow with Konfig.