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· 3 min read

Improved API Portal Design

We completely refactored the design and look of our API Portal to be more modern, sleek, and intuitive. Take a look at the screenshots below to see the improved design. We also added generated response examples and ergonomic improvements when navigating between pages in the portal. See a full list of changes in the "Improvements and Fixes" section below.

new design
Improved API Portal Design
docs dark
Markdown Documentation (dark)
docs light
Markdown Documentation (light)
docs dark
Markdown Documentation (with brand color header in dark mode)
docs light
Markdown Documentation (with brand color header in light mode)
reference dark
API Reference (dark)
reference light
API Reference (light)
demo dark
API Demos (dark)
demo light
API Demos (light)

Refactored SDK Documentation

We now allow you to brand your with a banner image using the new readmeHeader property in your konfig.yaml file like so:


title: Acme
image: header.png

This generates READMEs with your image and title at the top of the file like so:

Example TypeScript SDK file

We completely overhauled the generated documentation for Python and TypeScript to be easier to read and find what you're looking for.

Table of Contents
TypeScript Usage
Usage (TypeScript)
TypeScript Usage
Usage (TypeScript)
Python Usage
Usage (Python)
TypeScript Return
Parameters and Response (TypeScript)
Python Return
Parameters and Response (Python)

We also plan to improve the generated documentation for other SDKs.

Improvements and Fixes
  • API Portal now preserves scroll position when navigating between pages
  • Clicking the logo in the top-left corner brings you back to homepage
  • Implemented light/dark logo theme for API Portal
  • Added -x to not start a mock server in konfig test
  • Fix table rendering width larger than viewport in API Portal
  • Fix table from causing horizontal scroll on small screens
  • Fixed handling of non-Blob type values in TypeScript SDK for multipart/form-data
  • Handle array type schemas in request body for API Portal
  • Support bash, JavaScript, and many more languages as code blocks in API Portal
  • Point top-level API Portal domain to documentation if documentation is configured
  • Remove nested documentation in Python SDK
  • Embed all documentation into neatly organized for Python SDK
  • Removed nested documentation for TypeScript SDK
  • Embed all documentation into neatly organized for TypeScript SDK
  • Added ability to order endpoints in the API Reference page
  • Fixed scrollbar blocking header on Windows for API Portal
  • Fixed bug in konfig fix where fixing operation IDs fail because await wasn't used
  • Fix invalid links in top-level in SDK repository
  • Show example values and schema in API Portal for operations

· 2 min read


Konfig now supports generating Dart SDKs! This means that you can now use Konfig to generate SDKs for your customer's Flutter applications or Dart projects.


According to Stack Overflow's 2023 Developer Survey, Flutter is in the top 10 of the most admired frameworks for developers, with 64% of professional developers enjoying the programming language.


Generated Python Snippets

Konfig's API Portal now seamlessly integrates your Python SDK into the API Reference Page. This means that you can dynamically generate Python code snippets that can be easily copy-pasted for lightning-fast integration in Python. This is the second of many SDK languages that we will be integrating into Konfig.

Example Generated Python Snippet
Example Generated Python Snippet for SnapTrade

Improved API Portal Styling

We made improvements to the styling of the API Portal. The API portal now has rounder edges and denser styling to make it easier to read and navigate. We also made the navbar on the left side smaller to give more room for the core content on the page.

Example API Reference Page
Example API Reference Page in dark mode for SnapTrade
Example API Documentation Page
Example API Markdown Page in dark mode for SnapTrade
Improvements and Fixes
  • Eliminated dependency security vulnerabilities in Python and TypeScript SDKs
  • Add removeKonfigBranding configuration to Go SDK
  • Improved generated tests and documentation for Go SDKs
  • Created konfig pr-merge and konfig-pr-create commands for GitHub automation
  • Fixed Git repository tagging for Go publishing to properly be indexed by
  • Support submodules for Go SDK
  • Created new lint rule to catch potentially invalid required syntax
  • Created konfig list-sdk-submodules to be used in automation
  • Support submodules in the automation pipeline
  • Added client state validation in Ruby to catch invalid client state when SDK is instantiated
  • Validate UUID parameters in the API Reference Page
  • Created documentation for setting up API Portal with custom markdown pages
  • Added --tolerate-republish flag to konfig publish to allow for gracefully publishing of existing versions
  • Support multipart/form-data input for konfig mock server
  • Fix bug with .yaml files not being properly pulled in konfig pull

· 2 min read

Markdown Pages

We are excited to announce the release of Markdown Pages! This feature allows you to create a custom documentation page for your API / SDKs. You can use markdown pages to provide examples, links to external documentation, or any other information you want to share with your users. Konfig's markdown pages are fully integrated with the rest of the portal, so you can easily create links to API endpoints or interactive demos.

Example Markdown Page
Example Markdown Page for SnapTrade

Currently, we are deploying with a few early customers. If you are interested in trying it out, please reach out to [email protected].

Improvements and Fixes
  • Add --ci flag to konfig fix to loosen fix rules for CI/CD automation
  • Security credentials are now hidden in API Reference page
  • Fixed handling of "date-time" format in API Reference page inputs
  • Support array of integers / strings in API Reference page
  • Support OAuth client credentials flow in API Reference page
  • Support file type parameters in API Reference page
  • Fixed storage of API Reference page inputs in local storage to prevent forms from other pages from being shared
  • Fixed bug in Python SDK with incorrect reference to schema instead of model
  • Fixed bug in setupcode for generated test in Python SDK
  • Fixed bug in for badge in Python/TypeScript/Java SDKs when dash "-" is used
  • Fixed bug in generated TypeScript code in API Reference where snake case was improperly converted to camel case

· 2 min read

We are excited to announce the launch of our newest product at Konfig!

Introducing: API Reference

The Problem

The next step after generating SDKs is adding them to your docs. But as soon as you do, something feels off. Your API reference is not integrated with your SDKs and you have to maintain two separate pages. You manually copy-paste code snippets from your SDKs to your docs and you have to update them every time your API changes. So we created a better way.

The Solution

Introducing API Reference by Konfig. It's a single page that combines your API reference and SDKs. It's automatically generated from your OpenAPI spec and SDKs. It's always up-to-date and it's always in sync with your API. It allows you to dynamically generate code snippets for your SDKs and make API requests directly from your docs. It's a single source of truth for your API.

Live API Reference Page for SnapTrade

Currently, we are deploying with a few early customers. If you are interested in trying it out, please reach out to [email protected].

Improvements and Fixes
  • Allow for configuration of a specific operation in SDK files
  • Remove quotes from strings when copying in demo portal
  • Added "konfig versions" command to CLI to query currently published SDKs
  • Add a one-time deprecation warning for deprecated operations in Python SDK

· 9 min read
Dylan Huang

From DHH shunning serverless, Ahrefs saving millions by using a cloud provider at all, to Amazon raining fire on their own serverless product, serverless has recently faced significant scrutiny.

But still, everyone and their pet goldfish seem to be creating a serverless runtime (see Bun, Deno, Pydantic, Cloudflare, Vercel, Serverless, Neon, Planetscale, Xata, FaunaDB, Convex, Supabase, Hasura, Banana, and literally hundreds more). One research paper from Berkeley even claimed:

Serverless computing will become the default computing paradigm of the Cloud Era, largely replacing serverful computing and thereby bringing closure to the Client-Server Era.

-- Cloud Programming Simplified: A Berkeley View on Serverless Computing

Is it all hype? Is there real 100% objective merit to it? Where does serverless excel? Where do the trade-offs make sense?

To understand how developers are receiving serverless, I went to where developers live: Reddit, Twitter, Hacker News, and YouTube. I parsed 1,000s of discussions and synthesized my findings in this article, striving to present only thought-provoking opinions.

Funnel for gathering through-provoking opinions

Next, I transcribed these discussions onto a whiteboard, organizing them into "Pro Serverless," "Anti Serverless", or "Neutral" categories, and then clustering them into distinct opinions. Each section in this post showcases an opinion while referencing pertinent discussions.

FigJam I used to organize perspectives

· 3 min read

Last week we merged our plugin into Backstage (Pull Request) to generate SDKs for internal services. For those that love to follow and discuss technology, we also published a blog post where Dylan reviewed 1,000s of GraphQL vs. REST perspectives. We also made a lot of improvements to our Python, TypeScript, and PHP SDK generators.

Backstage Plugin

SDKs help onboard external developers but we know that the same problem exists inside organizations when integrating APIs from different teams owning different services. Backstage is a developer portal for centralizing your infrastructure and enabling product teams to quickly ship high-quality code. So we created a Backstage plugin to auto-generate SDKs for internal API services. If you are interested in generating SDKs for your internal APIs please reach out to us and we would love to talk. Check out our official plugin here!

Backstage Plugin
Backstage Plugin Marketplace with our official SDK generation plugin

Blog Post: I Reviewed 1,000s of GraphQL vs. REST Perspectives

Ask any developer: do you prefer GraphQL or REST? This often leads to opinionated conversations, sometimes even devolving into vulgar opinions rather than objective facts. To delve into the GraphQL vs. REST debate, I scoured platforms where developers frequently discuss such matters: YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, and Hacker News. I parsed 1,000s of discussions and synthesized my findings in this blog post, striving to present only thought-provoking perspectives. Read more here!

GraphQL vs. REST Blog Post
I reviewed 1,000s of GraphQL vs. REST Perspectives in our latest blog post Improvements and Fixes (there are lots of them this past two weeks!)
Improvements and Fixes
  • Konfig CLI now gives a warning to update to the latest version
  • Added "changeset" command for Konfig CLI to automate SDK generation using GitHub actions
  • When running "konfig generate", if "specInputPath" is set then "konfig fix" is also executed
  • Fix generated documentation referring to non-existent response variable in Python SDK
  • Konfig CLI now always runs a mock server when running "konfig test"
  • Custom package.json scripts can be added to TypeScript SDK using konfig.yaml
  • Fix bug in Python SDK where unexpected keyword argument error is thrown when attaching extra properties to request bodies inside a customized SDK
  • Add label to top-level README to differentiate SDKs that have PHP 7+ or PHP 8+ support (see SDK table in example README)
  • Reference OpenAPI "tag" instead of "class" inside operation table in generated TypeScript SDK README
  • Add flag "useDescriptionInOperationTableDocumentation" to konfig.yaml for TypeScript SDK to use "description" instead of "summary" field from operation in generated operation table for
  • Fix "ReadableStream" not defined in TypeScript SDK when API error is encountered in Node.js
  • Improve PHP 7+ support option
  • Error is now thrown if "topLevelOperations" references an operation ID that does not exist in the OAS
  • Fix bug where required path parameter causes syntax issue in Python SDK
  • Fix bug where dictionaries in generated Python SDK documentation was using "=" instead of ":" for dict values
  • Add "konfig published" command for listing all currently published SDKs
  • Add "konfig lint-python" command to run Ruff linter on Python SDK
  • Fix bug in Python SDK where "_headers" is undefined
  • Handle generators listed under "additionalGenerators" when using "konfig bump"

· 10 min read
Dylan Huang

Ask any developer: do you prefer GraphQL or REST? This often leads to opinionated conversations, sometimes even devolving into vulgar opinions rather than objective facts.

To delve into the GraphQL vs. REST debate, I scoured platforms where developers frequently discuss such matters: YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, and Hacker News. I parsed 1,000s of discussions and synthesized my findings in this article, striving to present only thought-provoking perspectives.

Discussion funnel
Funnel for gathering through-provoking perspectives

Next, I transcribed these discussions onto a whiteboard, organizing them into "Pro GraphQL," "Pro REST," or "Neutral" categories, and then clustering them into distinct perspectives. Each section in this post showcases a perspective while referencing pertinent discussions. To conclude, I highlight blog posts from GitHub and Shopify that serve as informative case studies in this ongoing debate.

FigJam I used to organize perspectives

· 3 min read

At Konfig, we are rapidly making progress towards building the easiest way to onboard developers to your API. To keep our followers up-to-date, we are starting this newsletter that will feature 2-3 of our biggest product updates and little fixes.

Now konfig generate will generate a file named that contains a count for Lines of Code in each SDK for your API. Here is an example that we generated. This file is generated in the same directory as your konfig.yaml file. In the future, we would also like to add more data such as weekly downloads.

# SDK Statistics
| SDK Name | Lines of Code |
| java | 89900 |
| ruby | 47516 |
| python | 104319 |
| typescript | 18063 |
| csharp | 58322 |
| php | 99705 |
| **Total** | 417825 |

Interactive Tutorial

Our interactive tutorial is now live! Learn how to generate SDKs with a guided interface. This is a great way to get started with Konfig if you would like to generate SDKs yourself.

Interactive Tutorial

Improved TypeScript SDK Error

Instead of just throwing the error from the underlying request library, axios, we now generate a file called error.ts that contains a custom Error class. The name of the class is based off the client name in your konfig.yaml file. The new custom error message has a cleaner interface and better inline documentation. In a Next.js API environment, the logged errors now exclude a lot of the garbage that was not helpful when debugging.


* This class provides a wrapper for network errors when making requests to OpenAPI Petstore
export class AcmeError extends Error {
* The response body
readonly responseBody: unknown;
* The error code provided from the underlying "axios" library which can be
* more descriptive than the HTTP status descriptions.
readonly code?: string;
* The status code from the response.
* For explanations, refer to
readonly status?: number;
* The status text from the response.
* For explanations, refer to
readonly statusText?: string;
* The URL that the original request was sent to
readonly url?: string;
* HTTP request method (see
readonly method?: string;

Improvements and Fixes
  • Support for GitLab publishing in Java SDK
  • Streaming support in TypeScript SDK for Node.js environments
  • Improved class hierarchy in TypeScript SDK to allow for custom classes to call generated methods
  • Improved class hierarchy in Java SDK to allow for custom classes to call generated methods
  • Fixed bug in Python SDK when circular dependency was present in OpenAPI spec

· 17 min read
Dylan Huang

Imagine you are tasked to write 417,823 lines of code in 6 different languages. What if there was a way to slash that development effort significantly with just a fraction of the effort? Introducing code generation, where a few high-level instructions can do the work for you. In this blog post, we'll dive into the superpower of code generation, uncovering its presence from early programming to modern-day AI assistants.